Rose Wood

Rose wood is a hard wood type which s used primarily for pojects that require logievity and hard base to sustain. This type of wood is commonly used in furniture, musical instruments, sports goods and decorative items. Rose wood has a strong, sweet smell and is heavy as it has dense grain. Due to its properties it takes polish layers well and so is used for decorative items, furniture and musical items like guitars and tabla as it shines well and is strong enough to take care of build loads.

We at N.S. Saw Mill always keep adequate stock of Rose wood so as take care of business requirements. Rose wood needs to be dried and seasoned properly so that there are no ‘surprises’ once the project it is used in completes and wood is exposed to climate. We always ensure that our customers get quality rose wood by cross checking the wood that we receive and and then dry it properly prior dispatching. Also if the grain is not adequate for required project we never send the logs to client and try to provide an alternate variety or wait for adequate stock to arrive.